Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Q-Comp Video and Discussion, Wisconsin Actions, Tech Focus Groups, AVMR Meeting

Q-Comp Information:  Now that we’ve wrapped up informational meetings around the district, we would like to fill in some information members have requested recently.  People asked for the 15 minute video about our plan that we used at informational meetings and for a place where they can share their comments and questions with other members.

  • Video:  We’ve added the video at the top of our Q-Comp website at www.ahqcomp.blogspot.com with instructions on how to view it if it is blocked at school.
  • Share Your Comments:  The second post on our website at www.ahqcomp.blogspot.com has been opened up for comments.  We ask that you use your real name and remember that the posts are public. 

Wisconsin Actions:  Lots of members have been asking when and where events are happening to support Wisconsin union rights.  If you are interested in attending the rallies, sending emails, or spreading the word, visit the Wisconsin Education Association Council’s site at www.weac.org.   The actions seem to be having an effect – a New York Times poll conducted over the past few days shows that a majority support public sector workers and their bargaining rights: http://nyti.ms/fmBPp2 .

Technology Focus Groups:  The district Technology Department is looking for educators to participate in afterschool focus groups about the Anoka-Hennepin Data Dashboard/Analytic System Initiative.  Four separate groups of 6-9 participants, representing elementary, middle, high school, and K-12 special education teachers will be created to get feedback to develop the project.  Interviews will take approximately one hour and will provide an opportunity for everyone to contribute. Participants will paid for their time. Email us AHEM at ahem@anoka.k12.mn.us  if you are interested.
AVMR Meeting:  Advantage Math Recovery, used in our elementary schools, has been the focus of debate among educators and school board members since its first appearance in our district.  The potential benefits of the program are not in question, but there seems to be room for improvement in our delivery model.  We invite members to come to the AHEM office to discuss what’s working and what can be improved at 4:45 pm, Thursday, March 24th.  Let us know if you plan to attend at ahem@anoka.k12.mn.us .