Q-Comp Peer Evaluators: The most common
questions we are hearing right now are about the Peer Evaluator
positions. Here are the key points:
- It would take about 30 peer evaluators to cover our district. These would be new positions paid for entirely with Q-Comp funds from the state.
- Those on PAS (which would be happen every three years) would be evaluated by their principal or supervisor instead – you won’t have to double up on observations.
- We will to choose evaluators to cover as many different kinds of assignments as possible and provide the best match we can between participants and those observing them.
- Evaluators need to be on continuing contract (except in ABE/ECFE where that system doesn’t yet exist), have a master’s degree, and have at least 7 years experience in education.
- Evaluators are chosen by a team of five administrators (appointed by the district) and five educators (appointed by AHEM).
- Evaluators can serve in that position up to 3 years, then need to return to their former assignment
Want the exact job description? Visit http://www.ahqcomp.blogspot.com/2010/09/peer-evaluator.html
Meet & Confer: Join your colleagues Thursday, May
17, 5:30-7:30 pm at the SDC. Here are the topics on the agenda:
- Stability in buildings and grade levels: Stable buildings have better student achievement. Share with the school board what increases stability at a site, and what causes turmoil.
- Teacher Evaluations: With the new teacher evaluation law on the way, we’ll share what kinds of feedback improves our practice.
- Child Restraint Policy: Update on how the new child restraint policy is working.
- Other Topics: As always, we leave time for individual topics or timely items that come up right before the event.
Would you like to speak to one of these topics? Have ideas
you want us to include? Email AHEM at ahem@anoka.k12.mn.us
Governor Dayton Vetoes Anti-Seniority Bill: Yesterday
Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed House File 1870, which would have required teachers to
be laid off according to yet-to-be defined measures of “effectiveness” rather
than seniority or other systems already negotiated in many school
districts. Your messages to the governor made the difference by bringing
to life how this measure was bad for teachers and bad for kids. Please take a
moment now to go to our Legislative Action Center and thank him for his
support: http://tinyurl.com/cm3besc
Health Insurance Rates Unchanged for Next Year:
Thank you for eating your leafy greens and getting some exercise – healthy
choices by our members contributed to holding health insurance premiums flat
for next year. Watch your boxes for more specifics about rates and open
enrollment from the district office (open enrollment is the time when you can
change your insurance options, it will be May 29 – June 15
this year).